Port Louis - The contrast's of the capital

I must admit that I tend not to laze around during my holiday. I love to explore new places and learn about different cultures. I had to visit Port Louis (The exciting and modern capital city) This will be an amazing experience, or so I thought…

The first question was: How do I get to the capital? What will be the most convenient form of transport, but also the most suitable for our pocket?

We were travelling from Trou aux biches, we decided to choose from three modes of transport: taxi, rental car or bus. After consideration we went for the most used and cheapest solution - Bus. A ticket to Port Louis cost us only 47 rupees each, while the taxi would have cost us 1000 rupees! A huge difference! I will expand on bus journey’s themselves on my next post, as these were a very big part of how we managed to transport ourselves around Mauritius.

After about an hour of travel, we arrived at Port Louis. Unfortunately, the first contact with the capital wasn’t what I had dreamt. The crowded bus was full of local people who were pushing everywhere and literally trampling on my feet.

A man called out: "taxi, taxi". And the second. And the third. Unfortunately being judged on how we looked we were made to feel like outsiders. If you are carrying a camera and you look like a tourist, “taxi” is only thing you will hear for the rest of your holiday.

We walked on through Central Market. We assumed that this would be a pleasurable and interesting experience, however. Grasping our possessions as tightly as we could it turned out to be just the opposite. The dirtiest street market I have ever seen. Everywhere you look it is impossible to ignore the effects that poverty has had here before somebody tries to sell you something by shoving it into your face. Naturally I felt scared, and actually regretted not accepting the offer on that taxi!

The Caudan Waterfront is beautiful and worth seeing. Located here are two modern hotels; a casino; modern shops and offices. However, in contrast to the crowded streets - there is no living soul. The weather was beautiful, the sun was not so high, but the streets were almost empty. Restaurants closed and everything was ever so sad. After an hour I wanted to go back, and yet I had so much to see!
I gave up.

If you are considering visiting Port Louis hoping for a day full of impressions. The day that will change your whole idea of PARADISE. The only impression you will be left with is that of a headache and fatigue.
However, it is worth the experience.

In the future you will remember these people living in this lifestyle day to day. And you will begin to appreciate the little comforts that we can afford. Number one being clean streets.


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